

Journal of Physiology

1987; 390; p5

Jones D. A. PhD, Rutherford O. PhD, Whiteson J. H. B.Sc.

“A technique for the simultaneous measurement of contractile properties of the human adductor pollicis and first dorsal interosseus muscle”

The Proceedings of theJournal of Physiology

March 1987

Jones D. A. PhD, Rutherford O. PhD, Whiteson J. H. B.Sc.

“Demonstration of a technique to measure contractile properties of the human adductor pollicis muscle and first dorsal interosseus muscle”

Journal of SpinalCord Medicine

1997; 20: 422 – 425

Whiteson J. H. MD B.Sc., Panaro N. R. MD, Ahn J. H. MD, Firooznia H. MD

“Tetraparesis Following Dental Extraction: Case Report discussion of preventive measures of cervical spinal hyperextension injury”


128, 663-672. 2005

Miggliore A. OT M.A., Whiteson J.H. M.D., Malgady, R., Mola, A. RN , & Rey, M., M.D.

“The effectiveness of different combinations of pulmonary rehabilitation program components: A Randomized Controlled Study

Journal of Cardio-Pulmonary Rehabilitation

25:270-274, 2005

Wichrowski, M., Whiteson J.H., Haas F., Mola A., Rey M.J.

“Effects of horticultural therapy on the mood of patients in an inpatient cardiopulmonary rehabilitation program”

Archives of PM&R

87:79-81; 2006

Whiteson J.H. MD., Bartells M. MD., Kim H, Alba AS.

“Coronary Artery Disease in Masters-Level Athletes”

Archives of PM&R

87:888; 2006

Bartells M. MD., Whiteson J.H. MD., Alba AS.

“Pulmonary Rehabilitation in patients undergoing lung volume reduction surgery”

Journal of Cardio-Pulmonary Rehabilitation

26:395-404, 2006

Migliore-Norweg, A. PhD., Whiteson, J.H. M.D., Demetis S. MD Rey, M. M.D.

“A New Functional Status Outcome Measure of Dyspnea and Anxiety for Adults with Lung Disease. The Dyspnea Management Questionnaire”


Archives of PM&R

87:46-56; 2006

Bartells M. MD., Whiteson J.H. MD. Alba AS., Kim H.

“Cardiac Rehabilitation”

Archives of PM&R

87:57-64; 2006

Alba AS., Kim H., Whiteson J.H. MD., Bartells M. MD.

“Pulmonary Rehabilitation”


Physical Medicine
& Rehabilitation

Randall L. Braddom

2006 Saunders

“Cardiac Rehabilitation”
Whiteson JH MD

Medical Aspects of
Disability, 4th Edition

Steven R. Flanagan

2010 Springer

Ana Mola, MA, RN, Jonathan H Whiteson MD,Mariano Rey MD.


Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

1996; 77: 970

Whiteson J. H. MD B.Sc., Panaro N. R. MD, Ahn J. H. MD

“Quadriplegia Following Dental Extraction: A Case Report”

American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

1996; 77: 970

Whiteson J. H. MD B.Sc., Panaro N. R. MD, Ahn J. H. MD

“Quadriplegia Following Dental Extraction: A Case Report”

2000;79 (2):215-216

Kreizman I J. M.D., Gupta S K. M.D., Kuo M. K BS., Whiteson J H. M.D., Fisher D. M.D., Mola A M. R.N., Rey M J. M.D., Pineda H D. M.D.

“Benefits of Inpatient Cardiac Rehabilitation on Psychological Functioning”

American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

2000;79 (2):215-216

Whiteson J H. M.D., Gupta S K. M.D., Kapadia C B.S., Diwan A B.S., Kreizman I J. M.D., Mola A M. R.N., Arroyo R M.S., Fisher D. M.D., Goldberg J Sc. D., Rey M J. M.D., Pineda H D. M.D.

“Safety of Cardiac Rehabilitation in the Acute Post Coronary Stent Period”

American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

2000;79 (2):215-216

Gupta S K. M.D., Bhat A.L. M.D., Kuo M. K BS., Kreizman I J. M.D., Whiteson J H. M.D., Fisher D. M.D., Mola A M. R.N., Rey M J. M.D., Pineda H D. M.D.

“Arrhythmias Following Pulmonary Surgery: Implications in a Rehabilitation Unit”

Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation


Whiteson J.H. M.D., Gupta S. M.D.

“Late Presentation of Femoral Vascular Complications of Cardiac Catheterization – the Impact on Cardiac Rehabilitation”

Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation


Whiteson J. H. MD, Alba A. MD

“Cardiac Arrhythmias in Guillain-Barre Syndrome”

Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation


Natalichio J. M.D., Whiteson J.H. M.D., Gupta S. M.D.

“Body Composition and Exercise Performance in Cardiac Patients”

Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation


Whiteson J.H. M.D.

“Considerations for spinal bracing in seizure induced vertebral body fractures: A case report and literature review.”

Ragguci M. D.O., Whiteson J.H. M.D.

“Osteoporotic Sternal Fracture in a Patient with Restrictive Lung Disease: Implications for Pulmonary Rehabilitation. A Case Report and Literature Review.”

Journal of the American Association of CardioVascular & Pulmonary Rehabilitation

Eisenberg C. D.O., Whiteson J.H. M.D., et al

“Anger and Hostility as Added Heart Disease Risk Factors”

Whiteson J.H. M.D., et al

“Use of Dietary Supplements by Patients Undergoing CardioPulmonary Rehabiltiation”

Wichroski M. B.S., Whiteson J.H. M.D. et al

“Effects of Horticultural Therapy on the Mood of Patients in an In-patient Cardio-Pulmonary Rehabilitation program”

Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

November 2002

Silverman B. D.O., Whiteson J.H. M.D., Gianutsos J.G. PhD.

“Quantitative Gait Analysis Before and After Cerebrospinal Fluid Extraction in Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus. A Case Report”

Federation of American Societies of Experimental Biology

March 2005

Serby A, Haas F, Arroyo R., Tang Y, Whiteson J, Rey M.

“Exercise economy improves with age”

American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation


Bhagan S, Morchow A, Hoffman K, Whiteson J, Haas F, Rey M.

“Does Gender play a role in the improvement seen with cardiac rehabilitation.”

Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

November 2006 Vol 87

Whiteson J, M.D., Haas F PhD., Mola, A. M.A. R.N., Arroyo R. M.S., Tang Y. M.A., Rey M, M.D.

Estimated Metabolic Equivalents Fail to Accurately Estimate Improvement Following Pulmonary Rehabilitation


American Academy of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation


Haas, F., J. H. Whiteson, G. Sweeney, A. Pierre, A. Mola, M. Rey.

Development of a metric for assessing functional improvement during home care cardiopulmonary rehabilitation

American Academy of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation


Whiteson, J. H., A. Spitzer, G. Sweeney, F. Haas, S. Prilik, A. Mola, M. Rey

Does gender play a role in referral of COPD patients to pulmonary rehabilitation?

American Academy of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation


Whiteson J. H, G. Sweeny, Y. Tang, R. Arroyo. A. Mola, F. Haas, M. Rey.

Gender similarities in the improvement in exercise capacity following an inpatient cardiopulmonary rehabilitation program.

American Academy of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation


Mola, A., Y. Tang, R. Arroyo, J. H Whiteson, F. Haas, M.Rey.

Does Gender Play a Role in Referral to Outpatient Cardiac Rehabilitation and to Exercise Improvement With Rehabilitation?

American Academy of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation


Haas, F., S. Prilik, G. Sweeney, A. Spitzer, J. H. Whiteson, A. Mola, M. Rey.

Do improvement patterns differ in men and women COPD patients following pulmonary rehabilitation?

American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation


Bolnick, J., K. Ng, D. Smith, F. Haas, A. Mola, J. H. Whiteson, M. Rey

Compliance characteristics following outpatient Cardiac Rehabilitation

American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation


Whiteson,J. H, F. Haas, A. Mola, R.I. Arroyo, Y. Tang, M.

Estimated METS fail to accurately estimate improvement following pulmonary rehabilitation

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